Thursday, April 22, 2010

Southpark 201st Episode

We've noticed a lot of buzz surrounding Comedy Central's hit show Southpark and the last two episodes. Already a controversial show the 200th and 201st episode featured a plot line involving the prophet Muhammad. In the 200th episode the apparently forbidden words "Prophet Muhammad" were not censored but a week later Comedy Central's knees buckled. An extremist group, Revolution Muslim, threatened the creator's lives so the episode was censored, a lot. Why is this okay? Are we so scared of these people that we are willing to give up our fundamental right to freedom of speech? We need to take a stand as our rights are slowly being stripped away by the last group of people we would EVER want to give this much power to. Write what you have to say, let's make our voices heard.

By the way Matt and Trey, we think you should sue Comedy Central for the blatant violation of the first amendment.